Our Top 40 Anime Openings of Fall 2019 [Party Rank]
Welcome to another video were my hopes and dreams are completely destroyed in such a way that it isn't painful anymore, You wanna now why? It's because I have to make a funni haha description and I have zero idea about how to make one.
In all seriousness, the result wasn't all that bad, since most of the songs I liked made the list (sadly everyone here is a big booli and killed one of my favorite OPs)
-I could've uploaded this sooner but Another was busy af with college and he couldn't score at all
-I should probably delete ElderZ from existence because he steals more than half of my possible reds
-The tiebreaker is a big booli and likes trash so don't be surprised if an OP you liked was in a worse spot than literal trash
- 31st place has a bunch of score errors due to the song being so boring it made me sleepy (this is a totally solid excuse for being a trashy editor btw): Frozen, GYO and JRoros' scores should be 8, 4 and 3.5 respectively, and Alvarety's and Cryer's scores are reversed
Averages: 6.42 Greens: 3 Reds: 0
Average: 6.21 Greens: 6 Reds: 4
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl4n4o1MKTNPFNkp2yqkf9w
Average: 4.66 Greens: 7 Reds: 16
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWsB8aikRAXESo49nJrzASg
La Papelera de Fénix:
Average: 6.11 Greens: 0 Reds: 2
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChsdE2CxHpWKs7ShgHgSbbg
Average: 7.87 Greens: 11 Reds: 0
Average: 7.07 Greens: 9 Reds: 2
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3JkA7ee1jAwDw7b043Xm_w
Average: 5.36 Greens: 4 Reds: 8
Average: 6.18 Greens: 8 Reds: 4
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGe4dVq9EzFKZ7AfepshPGw
Average: 6.47 Greens: 4 Reds: 1
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC42ID8DQvFVIR_oTP9Rnsug
Cryer Hawk:
Average: 5.35 Greens: 9 Reds: 11
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCba2rkKJy5r_OzbOrMFVmxw
Tiebreaker: Jan Piet
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-_yFUnAZ08MWnn1xiDevNg