Our Top 5 Cycling-Friendly Gear-Hauler RVs at the Tampa RV Show
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This year at the Florida RV SuperShow in Tampa, we set out to find all of the "cycling friendly" compact motorhomes at the show. We came away with these five, which would also work for anyone who wants to haul gear in their rig without having to put it outside. Those 5 were:
Leisure Travel Vans Wonder RTB
Midwest Automotive Passage
Coachmen Cross Trek
Tiffin Wayfarer 25 LW
Winnebago Revel
Any of these would be a solid choice for the cyclist who RVs, kayakers, climbers, or just anyone who doesn't want their bikes to get stolen. Check out the video for more!
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Stef's skirt provided by Aventura Clothing.
James' wardrobe provided by Ecoths.