Overwatch: NEW Brawl vs. Dive Meta! - Season 21 Week 1 Hero Tier List
Season 21 is here, but the buffs/nerfs aren't yet. The PTR could go live at any time changing this slightly, but overall with Mei gone and bunker's best heroes banned for the week it's back to Brawl and Dive. You'll find that Dive will dominate until it gets properly countered, likely defualting to another version of Brawl-Control being top meta, just this time no Mei in play. Torbjorn's time to shine? It just might be! Okay fine, he's only Tier 1 if not countered directly, but I think you'll be surprised what heroes see power spikes with Hanzo Mei banned and with Orisa Baptiste removing bunker, the more popular tank and support lines are opened up to be in play for the week! If you enjoyed hte video please be sure to leave it a like and don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon to actually get notified when our videos go live!
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