Pomeranian - Top 10 Amazing Facts | (Dog Breed Information) | DOGS 101
Top 10 amazing facts about Pomeranians (dog breed information). Enjoy watching and please don't forget to like & subscribe :)
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Quick Overview:
Classification: Toy Dogs
Color combination: 23
Weight: 3 to 7 pounds
Height: 7 to 12 inches tall
Life Expectancy: 12 - 16 years
History: Spitz type sled dogs
Pomeranian (also called Zwergspitz, Dwarf Spitz, Loulou, or Pom) only weighs from three to seven pounds, this lively little dog has a bold personality!
Pomeranians once pulled sleds and herded reindeer. Before being bred into the smaller animals they are today, Pomeranians were actually used to pull sleds and herd reindeer.
The Pomeranian is the smallest member of the Spitz family of dogs, which includes the Samoyed, Alaskan Malamute, and Norwegian Elkhound, among others.
Poms take their name from the province of Pomerania, in Germany. They became especially popular when Queen Victoria allowed some of her Pomeranians to be shown in a conformation show, the first Pomeranians ever to be shown.
Cute, feisty and furry, Poms are intelligent and loyal to their families. Don't let their cuteness fool you, however. These independent, bold dogs have minds of their own. They are alert and curious about the world around them.
Luckily, if they are properly socialized with other dogs and animals, they generally get along quite well with them. Pomeranians have a wedge-shaped head with erect ears. Some people describe their faces as fox-like, while others think that bear face is a better description.
Their dark, almond-shaped eyes sparkle with intelligence and curiosity. Their noses can be dark or the same color as their coats. Their distinctive plumed tail fans out over their back.
Pomeranians come in almost two dozen colors, and various patterns and markings, but is most commonly seen in orange or red. The Pom's profuse double coat stands out from his body, and he has a luxurious ruff around his neck and chest.
The Pomeranian's profuse double coat is one of his most distinguishing features. Frequent brushing is necessary to maintain the beautiful coat that we admire. Brush through the dog with a pin brush and a slicker brush down to the skin once a week to keep the hair from matting. Pomeranians are active dogs, so it is important that their nails are kept short. It is highly recommended that you find a groomer to do a full groom, every four to six weeks, if you are not comfortable with doing this at home. You should also pay close attention to the Pom's teeth. It is a good idea to brush the teeth during their weekly grooming session.
Pomeranian is probably best known for their small size. They typically stand around 7 to 12 inches tall and can weigh between 3 to 7 pounds. There are some Pomeranians who are larger like their ancestors and have been known to weigh up to around 14 pounds.
Despite their small size, Pomeranians have a loud bark and make excellent watchdogs. They sometimes don't know when to stop barking, however, so it's a good idea to train them to stop barking on command.
Pomeranians make excellent pets for older people and those who are busy, because they aren't an overly dependent breed. They are also good for apartment dwellers or homes that don't have a backyard. Because of their small size, they aren't recommended for families with small children who might injure them accidentally.
Poms generally are good at learning tricks, but you must be consistent and firm when training them. If you don't establish yourself as top dog in your household, your Pom will be more than glad to take over.
As much as Pomeranians enjoy being lapdogs and family companions, they do benefit from some exercise and enjoy the chance to run, play, and go for walks. Be sure to keep a close eye on your Pom when he or she is outside. They are notorious for escaping through small crevices or gaps in fencing, or climbing over short fencing. Small breeds like Pomeranians can be mistaken for rabbits or squirrels by large, predatory birds such as hawks and owls, so it is vital to keep a Pom under cover or stay with them at all times. When taking your Pom for a walk, be cautious of your surroundings.
More and more Poms are being trained in obedience, agility, tracking and flyball. Some also have been trained as hearing assistance dogs. They make excellent therapy dogs and bring delight and comfort to the sick and elderly in hospitals and nursing homes. If you'd like a pint-size companion with personality plus, the Pomeranian may be the choice for you.
0:00 - Intro
0:08 - Their history
0:50 - Titanic survivor
1:17 - Size
1:44 - Color combination
2:09 - Double coat
2:48 - Toy breed
3:14 - Changing color
3:40 - Origin of their name
4:05 - Good watch dogs
4:23 - Loved by historical figures
4:55 - Outro
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