Pricing Antique & Costume Jewelry - Diamonds, Necklaces, Brooches, Cameos & Charms by Dr. Lori
Watch! When looking for #ThriftStoreFinds, can you pick the most valuable piece of costume and antique #jewelry? Is it a Rhinestone piece, Italian made cameos found at a garage sale, an antique brooch, a British influenced 19th Century cameo, Diamond pendant or another piece? Don't miss pricing these #AntiquesFinds when shopping.
Watch Ph.D. Antiques Appraiser Dr. Lori identify and value the different pieces of antique and costume jewelry, bracelets, cameos, and pendants. Ask Dr. Lori to appraise your antique jewelry and thrift store finds. Attend her antiques appraisal events near you or submit photos on Dr. Lori's website.