Protect Your KIDNEY Health: Top 5 DEADLY Mistakes To Avoid
How to SURVIVE the next few weeks with KIDNEY DISEASE
* How Stage 5 CKD Patient Got Out of Dialysis
How to protect your kidney health and how to reverse kidney disease naturally:
the 5 deadly mistakes you should absolutely avoid if you want to lower #creatinine levels naturally and beat kidney disease.
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How Michael got out of dialysis
Let's face it. Protecting your renal health has never been as vital as it is right now. #kidneypatient
If you have kidney disease, there are 5 things you absolutely need to avoid if you want to survive the current world events. #kidneydisease
This is a video for the 00kidney community, for those of you following me and watching all my videos.
This is going to be about raising the awareness for kidney disease. #kidneyhealth
Because, let's face it, your kidney health is important. Even if nobody cares right now, your health is still important. #kidneydamage
That's why you have the right to be a little selfish, right now, and to give your own health the priority.
Because when all this mess will be over, what will really matter is if you took the right actions to protect your kidney health. #reversekidneydisease
So, I'll show you in a moment what the 5 things absolutely not to do right now are.
And, since this a video I'm making especially for the 00kidney community, there's a comment from one of you I want to answer. It's a really interesting question, actually.
This comment is from ... Nina Kouassi ... I hope I'm pronouncing your name correctly.
In my video health tips to lower creatinine, she asks.
Thank God, there is still hope!!!
Thank you so much Katherine for your help.
Please Katherine, I'm 2 stage CKD 72 2 months ago. But my doctor recommended me not to take any action except drinking a lot of water but I want to reverse it.
What should I do?
Since I need to work with my doctor.
Hello Nina, I always tell people here to listen to their doctors and to do what they say.
But, in your case I will make an exception. I don't really like this advice from your doctor.
You see, in a way, you are lucky. I mean, having kidney disease is not something you should be underestimating.
But being diagnosed as early as you was is definitely a good thing.
Because you can totally manage the disease and you have the best chances of reversing it.
Now, I want to think your doctor told you not to take any action... just from the medical point of view.
So, no drugs, no treatments... and that's good, don't get me wrong.
But there's a ton of other things you can do to reverse kidney disease.
First of all, you absolutely need to understand what's the cause of your kidney problems.
Do you suffer from hypertension? Diabetes? Do you have a genetic condition?
Each one of these will require a different approach.
Why were you diagnosed in the first place?
I'm asking this because treating the cause and finding a way to stop what's causing the damage will be your best option, if you want to reverse kidney disease.
So, get informed, read your analysis and watch my videos. In particular, I've made a video for the new patients that you may find useful. Link is up here.
Yes, you can reverse kidney disease. And you have plenty of time to do so. Just, don't waste your time.
Don't wait for it to get worse. Act now.
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