Putting In Our Road and Farm Gate [Project One]
This video takes you back to our first project on our off grid homestead in North Idaho. We put in a gravel driveway to our home build site, and also a security farm gate to keep out trespassers.
We needed to get in our well, septic, and foundation so putting in a solid private road was at the top of our list. This new chapter is going to be a huge adventure for our family as we build our second homestead from the ground up using what we learned homesteading and farming our single acre in SW Washington State.
To see more find us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/goodsimpleliving
And https://www.Instagram.com/goodsimpleliving
Mailing Address:
PO Box 547
Battle Ground, WA 98604
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Drone https://amzn.to/36kLKs0
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About Us:
We are a homeschool and homesteading family of 6 that farms our 1 acre permaculture organic acre in WA State. We are currently building off grid on our new 20 acre homestead in North Idaho. We garden, seed save, raise meat rabbits, raise chickens, process our own meat, save our own seed, can, bake, and do just about everything that we can ourselves to achieve a self sufficient and debt free life for our family.