Q&A - Top 10 Anime Figure Collecting Questions
Hey y'all! Sorry for being MIA! We just moved into a new apartment and it was...... a mission. Lol
We actually ended up FINISHING our move before I got to upload this video, haha! Here is our Q&A regardless to give you some insight on who we are as collectors. I hope it proves informative and entertaining!
Looking forward to uploading my next figure review soon. :)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennaronipepperoni/
MFC: https://myfigurecollection.net/profile/LadyLavellan
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Question Guide:
1. Did you both collect figures? If not, who started collecting first? - 00:44
2. Between you both how many figures do you own? - 02:39
3. Out of your collections, what is your favorite figure? - 03:24
4. Are there any figures and/or merchandise that you like but your partner dislikes? - 06:46
5. If you could make one figure which one would it be? - 09:21
6. How do you guys plan on moving your entire collection to your new place? - 10:34
7. A figure you want but is crazy expensive or super rare. - 12:00
8. What is your favorite company? - 15:45
9. Do you keep your collections separate or combine them? - 19:28
10. What is your most expensive figure? - 21:43