Rahdo Talks Through►►► Episode #57
Help keep Rahdo running @ http://patreon.com/rahdo !!! And now...
•••[00:04:52] Games Q&A►►►
Rahdo top 100? Reviewer impact? LotR LCG preferences? Weight vs Complexity? Boardgame cafes? Why didn't RRT cover videogames instead of boardgames? 4x recommends? Solo RRT issues? Pandemic Legacy 3 anticipation? Ecos ranking? Space Hulk Death Angel a euro? Top10's and roundups on podcast channel? 2p faves diminished after playing with more? Design a game around our home town? HP Lovecraft's racist history? Games that could benefit from more diversity? Other live shows besides the alaboom? What games to play with family? Stowing sore loser tendencies? Backlash against Project Shrinko? Res Arcana suffered from Rahdo clash? Hopeful improvements in Frosthaven? We don't like Legacy games? Jen's fave Pfister?
•••[02:27:03] Personal Q&A►►►
Pronunciation of Teotihuacan? Any games played with parents? Chicken checkin? Gamestorm or Dice Tower west? Rank our homes? Most anticipated TV for 2020? DC or Marvel? Game pubs taking responsibility for counterfeits? USA healthcare progress? Skydiving? Cinema going? Jen's wisdom of the month? Picard thoughts?
•••Help Rahdo run @ http://patreon.com/rahdo
•••Direct MP3 link: https://archive.org/download/rtt057ii/rtt057ii.mp3
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•••Send your questions to [email protected]