Ranjitsinh Disale - Global Teachers Prize winner | India's Million Dollar Teacher | Abhi and Niyu
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This teacher from India won Global Teachers Prize 2020 worth 1 million dollars! His name is Ranjitsinh Disale and he teaches at Zilla Parishad Primary School in Paritewadi, Maharashtra! His story will remind you of the great effort good teachers put in to make good citizens of this country!
#ranjitsinhdisale #globalteachersprize #abhiandniyu
Ranjitsinh Disale left his engineering course midway because of bullying and ragging, but this did not break his faith in the education system. Instead, he chose to become a teacher to better it and bring a change in children's lives. His determination to inject new ideas into teaching, make teachers' voice heard and serve the community won the 32-year-old primary school teacher from Maharashtra the coveted USD 1 million Global Teacher Prize. "I left engineering midway as I could not handle bullying and ragging. I have no regrets at all. I am lucky that I chose teaching and could bring change in students lives," said Disale, who beat 12,000 others from across the world for the award. The Zilla Parishad primary school teacher from Paritewadi, a tiny village with less than 2,000 population in Maharashtra’s Solapur district, was recognised for his efforts to promote girls'' education and trigger a quick-response (QR) coded textbook revolution in India.
He has announced that he would share 50 per cent of the prize money equally among his fellow finalists. Speaking to PTI over phone from his home in Solapur, Disale said, "I am thankful to the Varkey Foundation and UNESCO for giving recognition to teachers in such a big way."
Source: https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/maharashtras-ranjitsinh-disale-who-won-global-prize-says-teachers-voices-should-be-heard-respected-3150923.html
00:00 World's no 1 teacher
00:14 Global Teachers Prize
00:50 Indian Education is broken!
01:50 Power of Edutainment
02:30 QR codes to make textbooks interesting
03:09 His plans with 1 million USD
03:50 New Education Policy and teachers
04:18 What Ranjit sir taught us?
05:02 a small request
A video by Abhiraj Rajadhyaksha & Niyati Mavinkurve
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