Ranking ASIAN countries by AREA|TOP 10 Channel
Ranking ASIAN countries by AREA|TOP 10 Channel
Data: The World Factbook
Keywords: #TOP10Channel #Asia #Ranking
Asia comprises more than 4.5 billion people, accounting for 60% of the world population, living in 49 different nations and dependences. Asia is the fastest growing economic region, as well as the largest continental economy by both GDP Nominal and PPP in the world. Moreover, Asia is the site of some of the world's longest modern economic booms, starting from the Japanese economic miracle (1950–1990), Miracle on the Han River (1961–1996) in South Korea, economic boom (1978–2013) in China, Tiger Cub Economies (1990–present) in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam (1991–present).
As in all world regions, the wealth of Asia differs widely between, and within, states. This is due to its vast size, meaning a huge range of different cultures, environments, historical ties and government systems.
TOP 10 Ranking ASIAN countries by AREA|TOP 10 Channel
The term of "country" here, in this video includes sovereign states and dependent territories. The presentation of the information in this video do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Although the video try to provide the most plausible information but it does not warrant that the information contained in the video is complete and always correct and shall not be liable whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of its use.
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