Ranking The Best Fortnite Players From Each Team!
Hey guys in today's video i'm showing you guys my opinion on the best players from each Pro Org! If you enjoy the video please like, comment and subscribe!
Creator Code - WraithFN
Twitch - (WraithAM)
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/wraitham
Discord - https://discord.gg/CJaYQ6f
Twitter - https://twitter.com/WraithAM
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wraith.yt/?...
My Fortnite Settings:
Resolution: 1920x1080 (Native)
DPI: 400
In-game sens: .110 (X & Y sens)
ADS Sens: .400 (Targeting Sensitivity)
Scoped Sens: .490 (Sniper Sensitivity)
My Peripherals:
Mouse: FinalMouse UL2 Ultralight
Mousepad: SteelSeries XXL
Keyboard: Some cheap 60% off Amazon
Headset: Astro A 40's
Monitor: Acer 144 G Sync
Hello guys!
My name is Wraith and this is my Youtube channel. The content you will see being uploaded will mostly be tip videos on how to improve as a player in Fortnite. This includes videos such as new building techniques, how to improve at editing and aiming and many more videos such as these. Also I try and upload a video every so often that isn't a tip video but just something that is enjoyable to watch for example the Top 10 Fortnite players. If you want to support me make sure you use Creator Code WraithFN!
- Wraith
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