Ranking the Sword and Shield Gym Leaders Worst To Best
I have to say, Sword and Shield introduced one of the best casts of character to the series with the entry. There is so much personality in the designs alone and I feel that you can really connect and relate to the citizens of Galar. I mean just take a look at Ball Guy. He’s easily one of the most personable and beloved characters in the series as a whole already and all he does is dance and gives you different kinds of PokeBalls. But this video isn’t talking about the less important NPCs in the game. No, as you can tell we are going to be talking about the Gym Leaders of the Galar region; and ranking them from worst to best. Now this is definitely going to be more of a personal ranking as I will be talking about things that I like and dislike about the characters specifically, but I have to mention that I will be talking about some in game aspects that influence my decision to a certain degree, like how difficult they actually are and their backgrounds. If you all do want me to rank them weakest to hardest in the future though, be sure to let me know in the comment section! Alright, with all of that being said let’s rank these high ranking adversaries of galar.
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