Register now for Webinar on Government support for Businesses I Listen Top Government Officials.
In this video Mukesh Mohan Gupta is inviting his subscriber friends to join live webinar which will be moderated by him on April 10, 2020. The webinar will be addressed by
1. Mr Anil Agarwal, Joint Secretary Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade,
2. Mrs Mandeep Kaur Jt Development Commissioner, Ministry of MSME and
3. Mr Bhaskar Subramanian, Head MCE 21 Project
The webinar has been organised by Niti Aayog WEP under the leadership of Ms Anna Roy.
You may register at the below link to join the webinar:
#msmehelpline #msmehelplineindia Nitiaayogwep #webinar #governmentsupport