Retro Replay Presents - The Top 10 Troy Baker Moments
We decided to do things a little differently this week. Our dear friend Troy Baker is stepping up and off the couch. As hard as it is to say goodbye, we are excited about his new endeavor and we'll be watching to see what he plays next. With that, we wanted to say a special thank you to Troy in this episode as we celebrate some of his best moments on the couch. You didn't think we would let you forget some of these moments, did you?! Get ready to laugh and smile... Maybe even cry. Pass the tissues, and hold on to your couch cushions. This is Top 10 Troy Moments.
The show and channel you love RETRO REPLAY will continue to create entertaining content for you every week with Nolan North and a slew of special guests. We are also going to be announcing new shows on the channel soon. Like, real soon. Let's play!