Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G Unboxing, Setup and First Look
The Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G is out. I unboxing the S20 Ultra 5G, set it up, and take a first look at the latest phone from Samsung. I also unbox and setup the new Galaxy Buds+ and LED case for the S20 Ultra. #Samsung #s20Ultra #Android
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***Time Codes***
00:00 - Start
00:08 - Price
00:37 - Unboxing
02:46 - Phone Overview
03:40 - Specs
05:40 - Size Comparison
06:42 - Setup
08:05 - Fingerprint sensor setup
09:29 - Software
11:07 - Camera Settings
12:31 - Software update
13:21 - Galaxy Buds+ Unboxing
14:29 - Galaxy Buds Setup
16:06 - LED case unboxing
17:07 - LED case settings
18:07 - Conclusion
18:17 - Wallpaper
18:30 - Outro
18:50 - End