Saturday Gita Lecture 9 - Yajna and the Cosmic Order - 25 July 2020 by Swami Bodhananda
Saturday Gita Lecture 9 - Yajna and the Cosmic Order - 25 July 2020 by Swami Bodhananda
The Bhagavad Gita is the most important scripture of modern Hinduism. It reconciles all strands of Hindu thought into an integral whole for practical living. That the Gita was taught in a battle field to a warrior turned worrier tells volumes for its psychological, ethical and practical implications. The Gita situates spirituality and human's highest moral aspirations right in the middle of our daily struggles and confusions born of the seemingly irreconcilable conflict between selfish and altruistic impulses in our nature.
Swami Bodhananda in these twenty one thematic talks presents the essential teaching of the Bhagavad Gita for the contemporary spiritual seeker.