SME MINEXCHANGE 2020 - Top 10 Approaches to Keep Mining In A Sustainable Development Path
S. Amirshenava and M. Osanloo; Department of mining and metallurgical
engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Tehran, Iran (the
Islamic Republic of)
Sustainable Development (SD) is a concept which was introduced at the end of the 20th century. This concept covers environmental, economic, and social aspects of mining operations, which known as the indexes of SD. The equilibrium between them is indispensable for the sustainability of mining projects. In the past, many/all environmental organizations, and NGOs believe the mining operations are against SD. But since 1992, with the advent of modern mining age and accepting the closure and reclamation plan as a part of mine operations, this assumption is changed. Nowadays, all industrial and agricultural products consumed by human required mineral products which must be extracted from the below/surface of the earth. So, mining activities are essential for the human being. The mining industry can achieve SD goals by focusing on environmental protection and socio-economic considerations in the mine project life cycle. The present study discusses the top 10 approaches which should be considered to increase the acceptability of the mining activities by promoting sustainability.