Spies in Disguise | 12 Days of Spiesmas | 20th Century Fox
Our favorite holiday song with a top secret twist. Countdown to Spies in Disguise, in theaters Christmas. Get tickets now: bit.ly/SpiesInDisguiseTix
Super spy Lance Sterling (Will Smith) and scientist Walter Beckett (Tom Holland) are almost exact opposites. Lance is smooth, suave and debonair. Walter is … not. But when events take an unexpected turn, this unlikely duo are forced to team up for the ultimate mission that will require an almost impossible disguise – transforming Lance into the brave, fierce, majestic… pigeon. Walter and Lance suddenly have to work as a team, or the whole world is in peril. “Spies in Disguise” flies into theaters this Christmas.
Directed by: Troy Quane, Nick Bruno
Produced by: Fox Animation, Blue Sky Studios, Chernin Entertainment
Cast: Will Smith, Tom Holland, Ben Mendelsohn, Karen Gillan, Rashida Jones, DJ Khaled, Masi Oka
In Theaters Christmas 2019
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#SpiesInDisguise #WillSmith #TomHolland #FoxFamily
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Spies in Disguise | 12 Days of Spiesmas | 20th Century FOX