Splatoon 2 Playing With Viewers
Welcome back to another Splatoon 2 Playing With Viewers, where as you probably guessed, we are gonna be Playing With Viewers in Splatoon 2 Viewer Battles, where you guys can join in on the Splatting Fun. This Splatoon 2 live will be interesting, so let's shake the dried paint off of our shoulders, and get back into some Splatoon 2 Playing With Viewers live tonight. Also, if we have too many people in a game, we will then go down the list and allow people to spectate a game, so that people have a fair chance to play.
Donate Here: https://streamlabs.com/andrewmycol/tip
These are free points you earn by watching, chatting, etc. There are also things you can spin your AMPoints on, like: Slots, Gamble, Heist, and Duel.
AMPoints Commands:
!points - Displays amount of points someone has
!heist -) points (- : Do a heist with someone in chat, and points is how many points you want to use.
!duel -) user (- -)points(- : Duel someone in chat and wager your points.
!top : Displays list of people with the most points
!tophours : Displays list of people with the most hours they've watched the streams, according to Streamlabs Chatbot since the bot has been used.
Also, PLEASE READ THE RULES! This will keep the chat clean and cool. If anyone breaks rule 1 or 2, you are subject to getting timed out and followed by a ban if both rules are broken a 2nd time.
Wanna join my discord server? Click here: https://discord.gg/P3tWpyh
--Friend Code--
Wanna be switch buddies?
---) If so, here let's be friends: 4633-2835-3213
Want to follow me on Tiktok?
Tiktok: @AndrewMycol
For the rules, here are the rules for the stream:
1. Please be respectful of one another. If someone's level is bad, tell them how it is in a calm manner. There is no reason to get angry at each other over a video game. Also, don't be annoying! If you are annoying, you get timed-out.
2. Do not be racist, homophobic, or political. If you do this, you are just asking to get banned.
3. No self-promotion, unless I know you to somewhat of a personal level. I will be the judge of that.
4. Have fun. If you're not having fun, either it's the internet's fault, or it's my fault because I forget how to speak English. Both are prone to happen.
5. No spamming. If you spam, you will get a timeout.I and mods have the final say as to what spam is and isn't.
6. No NFSW / Sexually Suggestive Things, whether it be direct or indirect. (Names, Talk, Pics, etc.) You will be warned and timed out one time, and/or then banned.
7. NO USING MORE THAN ONE ALT ACCOUNT. Don't even try to use loopholes either.
9. Don't be overly edgy with Swearing and/or Sex Talk. There's a time and a place for it, and I'm trying to keep things as PG as possible.
10. Toxicity is okay in some situations, because after all this is a game and we are here to have fun. Anything I say that is like "trash-talk" should not be taken seriously.
*All rules are finalized with the discretion of AndrewMycol.*
Youtube Tags: Playing With Viewers Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 Playing With Viewers
Splatoon 2 Playing With Viewers live
Splatoon 2 Playing With Viewers live stream
Splatoon 2 Playing With Viewers in Viewer Battles
Splatoon 2 Private Battles
Viewer Battles in Splatoon 2
Playing With Viewers Splatoon 2 live
Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 live