Spring Breakers Party On, Katy Perry Pregnant, & More | Top 5: March 2020 | NowThis
From a spring breaker defying coronavirus rules to Katy Perry's emotional pregnancy news, these were some of March's biggest stories.
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In US news and current events today, the coronavirus crisis has largely taken up the bulk of the news and media landscape. Throughout the month of March 2020 they was a surge in stories surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, including stories about people in quarantine, social distancing, ER nurses and doctors on the front lines in the hospital, and much more.
These are some of the top stories from the past month, including spring breakers in Florida who refused to stop partying despite coronavirus warnings, a doctor who contracted the virus and shared his day by day experience fighting it, and the cast of Big Brother Germany who learned about the pandemic live on national TV.
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