SUBTERROR ft WORLD LEGACY PAWNS - The Cancer Returned?! [Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links]
The new box, Judgement Force just buff everything included the "Cancer" deck, Subterror.
Subterror is a deck full of flip monster and using Subterrer final battle to flip the monster to face-up position and trigger their flip effect, with 3 copies of Subterro Final battle, the chances to get in your hand are about 50%.
By added World Legacy Pawns, the continuous trap card with the same ability to flip face-down monster to face-up position, with total 6 copies, the chances of open with any one of Subterror Final Battle or World Legacy Pawn was increased to 79%. (All data was calculated by Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Probability Calculator,
The best part, World Legacy Pawn can flip the super annoying non-targeting bouncer, Flip Flop Frog, Now the frog became a mini Subterror...
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