#TBT SURPRISE! Telling the Kids about Easter Cruise April 2007
They we so little then! Allison was 10, Vicente was 8. They were already frequent cruisers - so their enthusiasm was greater during the egg hunting than the actual surprise itself! These kids later went on to become platinum cruiser members. What I like most about this video is that it has my grandmother in the background on her favorite recliner when they get to my moms house - 4 generations. These were the days when the kids were little enough that they still played with each other, they were close, yet you can still see the sibling rivalry running strong!
They grow up so fast! Life changes so much. We never know what tomorrow brings, so cherish the moments you have today, for they are precious. Change is precious too, learn to accept it, grow with it and be thankful for all the good times. Life is like a Ferris Wheel, one minute you are on top, the next you are on the bottom. Just stay in your seat, enjoy the ride and hang on until you are on top again!