The 10 Most Fattest Kids In The World
The 10 Most Fattest Kids In The World
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The 10 Fattest Kids In The World
These days, people are generally more careful about what they eat. Although obesity is a major problem
around the world, people are slowly realizing that eating healthier is generally better. However, there
are instances wherein people have no choice but to gain weight. Like these 10 kids on our list, who
gained a lot of weight through no fault of their own, nor their parents. You might be familiar with the
boy on number one on this list, as his image was used for a very popular meme a few years ago. Find out
who he is as we give you 10 of the fattest kids in the world.
Number 10. Justin Painter
At only seven years old, Justin Painter from North Carolina already weighed 250 pounds, and it landed
his mom in hot water.
You see, Justin’s weight gain was so out of control, Social Services has actually threatened to remove the
boy from his mom’s custody, giving her 2 months to show progress in making her son lose weight. Social
services officials said they consider their situation as an act of abuse or neglect. They actually went as far
as placing Justin in foster care for about a week, before giving him back to his mom.
He is now on the road to losing weight, but it’s just sad to see that it takes government intervention to
have some parents take action against obesity, which will definitely have negative effects on their kids in
the future.
Number 9. Aliya Saleem
Aliya Saleem was only 10 months old back in 2015 when she became a viral sensation on YouTube, but
not for very good reasons. At that tender age, she weighed a whopping 53 pounds. She was born
normally, weighing around 9 pounds, but started gaining weight uncontrollably at around three months
of age.
It’s quite difficult to find the original video now, but it has been reported that it has garnered more than
70 million views on YouTube. But despite all of these views, there was little to no help given to the poor
girl. That was until Aliya’s father came into contact with metabolic surgeon Ravikanth Kongara and
brought his daughter here for treatment after trying hospitals in New Delhi and Ranchi.
It was found out that Aliya suffered from Leptin deficiency which explained her constant hunger and
obesity. Dr. Kongara performed bariatric surgery on Aliya when she was 2 and a half years old, a very
difficult procedure given the age of the patient, but it was eventually successful. Aliya lost 30 pounds in
just 4 months and is on her way to losing more.
Number 8. Suman Khatun
Back in 2014, Suman Khatun was 9 years old. She stood 3 feet 5 inches and weighed 203 pounds making
her one of the fattest kids at that time. Like Aliya, she suffered from Leptin deficiency, which caused
uncontrollable eating and thus, obesity.
Her appetite was so huge, it was reported in a single week, she munched her way through 30 pounds of
rice, 18 pounds of potatoes, 18 pounds of fish, and about 180 bananas. Her parents said they tried their
best to limit her eating, but obviously failed.
Her weight spiraled uncontrollably and at 14, she already weighed over 400 pounds. During this time,
she underwent gastric bariatric surgery has lost 176 pound in just four months after the surgery.
Number 7. Waylon Cole
How heavy were you when you were born? According to my mom, I was tiny when I came out and
weighed a paltry 6 pounds. I was born normal and was otherwise very healthy, but my mom always said
I was the runt of the litter. Despite being the smallest and youngest of three brothers, I take solace in
the fact that I’m still the best looking.
Waylon Cole, on the other hand, was born the complete opposite of me, and is considered one of the
heaviest babies ever born, weighing 16 pounds and was so massive that on the day he was born, he was
fitted with clothes normally worn by a 6-month old baby.
Unsurprisingly, he was born via Caesarian Section and was initially placed in intensive care due to
breathing and feeding issues. Doctors and nurses couldn’t believe how heavy Waylon was and actually
had to weigh the baby three times, thinking initially that their scale was broken. Despite the initial scare,
Waylon was very healthy, despite being born twice the weight of a normal baby.
It was later revealed that Whitney, Waylon’s mom, had gestational diabetes, a condition that typically
causes babies to grow big in the womb and born overweight.