THE 10 MOST HATED CARDS!! Over 1200 of You Shared YOUR Answers! | Hearthstone
These are the 10 most hated cards in the RegisKillbin community, with comments from you guys explaining why you hate them.
Dishonorable Mentions
20. Catrina Muerte
19. Rotnest Drake
18. Phase Stalker
17. Plague of flames
16. Sap
15. Psychopomp
14. Galakrond, the Nightmare
13. Khartut defender
12. Winged Guardian
11. Edwin Vancleef
#GalakrondsAwakening #Hearthstone #RegisKillbin
Feature | Hearthstone | THE 10 MOST HATED CARDS!! Over 1200 of You Shared YOUR Answers!