The 10 Most Interesting One Province Nations in EU4
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One province nations, known in game as OPMs (one province minors) are some of the most interesting countries to play in EU4. In this list join me as we uncover 10 of my top picks for one province nations in Europa Universalis, and discover their strategies, ideas and achievements!
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Special thanks to the following patrons and member supporters: akurohan, btop85, Cass, David Yves, Davon Collins, Dilraba, D.K., DudeMeister, Dylan Steele, FelixMortem, Graf Zahl, Greg Stewart, Gwij Desloovere, HippoHobbily, Jarod L Vautrot, Jasper Bolte, Jourdan M, Lindsay Summerville, Lonesome Shoe, Lord of Ark, Luke Turpeinen, Markus Delves, Matteo Stanchina, nick koo, Oisín McColgan, Paul Bruene, Peter Hayward, Shamir Khodzha, Sheamus Byrne
Table of Contents:
Introduction 0:00
Avaria #10 0:39
Taungu #9 1:28
Onondaga #8 2:55
Ardabil #7 4:16
Rhade, Koho & Jarai #6 5:42
Subscribe? 7:01
Sō #5 7:20
The Knights #4 8:37
Tidore & Ternate #3 10:05
Ragusa #2 11:31
Navarra #1 13:05
Honorable Mentions 14:39
Thank you for watching! 15:35
All music is owned and copyrighted under their respective owners. Europa Universalis IV is a grand strategy game published by Paradox Interactive. All rights reserved.