The 20 Best Commodore Amiga Movie Based Games In Order Of Greatness
Hey whatsup guys OSG here and I’m following on with the movie based games series and this time we are going to be looking at the 20 best Amiga movie based games. As with the C64 list there are a good few games based on films and as with the C64 lists there are good and bad….and really bad. This however is the 20 best and we will check out the worst in an upcoming video.
Oh and before anyone says about Elvira 2 not being movie based ...its actually in here because although not strictly based on a movie as such its based on the character from the Movie so as its such a good game its in.
Before I get into this video I would like to congratulate my good friend and fellow youtuber Sinisteve for hitting his 1 K subs milestone and getting accepted into the YouTube Partner scheme. Steve does some really good Games Room and Pickup videos covering all systems but he loves his Amiga and has a great collection…if you haven’t been to Sinisteves channel get over there I’ll put a like at the end of this video and drop him a sub and watch some great retro content that he has made over the last year.
Ok we have a pretty strong list here especially the top 10 so sit back relax and enjoy what I would say are the best Amiga movie based games in order of greatness
Games in this video:-
Hudson Hawk @ 01:15
The karate Kid Part II @ 01:52
The Blues Brothers @ 02:28
Alien³ @ 03:01
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back @ 03:36
T2: The Arcade Game @ 04:08
The Spy Who Loved Me @ 04:40
Plan 9 From Outer Space @ 05:17
The Lion King @ 05:58
The Addams Family @ 06:33
Hook @ 07:08
Lethal Weapon @ 07:44
Star Wars @ 08:24
Batman @ 09:01
Robocop 3 @ 09:37
Aladdin @ 10:14
Elvira II: The Jaws of Cerberus @ 10:50
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark @ 11:23
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade @ 11:59
Dune II: The Battle for Arrakis @ 12:36
Please remember to like this video and subscribe to my channel if you like my stuff