The Best One-of-a-Kind Design Pickle Shirts!
On Wednesday, December 18th, 2019, we donated $3 for every design request submitted to Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona, an organization that transforms trauma to resilience in children who have been abused, neglected, or homeless through the arts and mentorship. We also hosted a live stream show to track the request progress, share what's gone on in the Design Pickle world, and show some unbelievable pickle shenanigans all in real-time.
Did you know Design Pickle has its own fashion line? It's called #OBEYTHEPICKLE and you should definitely check it out. We also make a lot of one-off and one-of-a-kind items inside the pickle jar. Join Russ Perry and Alec Melger as they reveal the top 10 one-of-a-kind Design Pickle tees during the Design Pickle Request-A-Thon 2019.
Design Pickle is a simple, scalable, flat-rate, graphic design solution for any entrepreneur, business, and creative team.
Design Pickle delivers a complete solution for getting the creative content you need. Get matched with a dedicated graphic designer who knows you by name and understands your brand and changing business needs. Our intuitive platform makes it easy to request and manage your designs.
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