The Complete Westworld Timeline...So Far | Cinematica
HBO's hit sci-fi series Westworld is back for season 3 and there has been a lot going on in the world of Westworld. So, to get you all caught up before season 3's premiere, let's run through the complete Westworld timeline... so far.
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Westworld season 3 is almost here and we can not wait to see what Westworld has for us next. So, in preparation for Westworld season 3, we want to run through everything that has happened in seasons 1 and 2 of Westworld. Join us as we bring you the complete Westworld timeline so far...
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Researched by: David Olsson
Written by: David Olsson
Hosted by: Marcus Jahn
Edited by: Caleb Pryor
Executive Producers: Carrie Miller, Fred Seibert
Producers: Adrian Apolonio, Nicholas Fung
Head Writer: Casey Gonzalez
Production Assistant: Chantel Ikotidem
Writing & Talent Coordinator: Dan McQuade
Lead Graphic Designer: Alexandria Batchelor
Program Manager: Nick Jennings