"The Last Dance" shows Michael Jordan's rise was instant — Nick Wright | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST
Nick Wright and Kevin Wildes are joined by Chris Broussard to give their thoughts on the first two episodes of the Michael Jordan documentary "The Last Dance", chronicling the last year that MJ played with the Chicago Bulls. Nick tells Kevin and Broussard that Michael Jordan proved early that he would be great, and that most great NBA players establish an iconic status very early in their careers. Plus Kevin talks Scottie Pippen's contract, and Broussard tells why he believes that the Chicago Bulls three-peat team was broken up prematurely, and a perfect example of why the players of today are focused on taking their future into their own hands.
#FirstThingsFirst #NBA #MichaelJordan #ScottiePippen #Bulls #ChrisBroussard
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About First Things First:
Nick Wright, Kevin Wildes, and Jenna Wolfe team up on First Things First, a discussion and opinion-based studio program that covers all the headlines weekdays on FS1.
"The Last Dance" shows Michael Jordan's rise was instant — Nick Wright | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST
First Things First