The Male Version Of A Karen Is A Terry, According To Science
The Male Version Of A Karen Is A Terry, According To Science
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So it seems that the debate has been settled. After years and years of research, billions of dollars spent and countless tiring hours, day in and day out, the good people over at reddit figured out the male equivalent name for Karen is Terry. I know, I thought Ken, Kevin, or even Jeffery would be more fitting, but instead, it’s apparently Terry. Now this was determined to be true by both, actual researchers and a reddit thread, although we shouldn’t discredit reddit users at all, because sometimes, they’re better than the people who get paid. Either way i’m gonna tell you guys all about it right now on iO. What’s good everyone I’m your host Jarred Bronstein, and before we get into it, let me know in the comments what name you feel would be a good male equivalent for Karen. I really think Jeffery is a good one, but hey, what do I know?
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