The Sad Things We've Learned About Whitney After Her Death
Whitney Houston had a squeaky-clean image for the first half of her career, but in the later years of her life, her troubles became more apparent. While many of her demons have been well-documented, the details that have come out since the late singer's passing paint an even darker picture. Here are some of the sad things we've learned about Whitney Houston after her death.
Insiders claim Houston was a drug user long before she met Bobby Brown, and that her handlers and record label deliberately peddled the narrative that he corrupted the so-called "good girl" and got her involved in dangerous habits. The director of the 2017 documentary Whitney: Can I Be Me called that a "fairy tale," telling the New York Post,
"The idea that Whitney was a great girl until Bobby came along is simply not true. Whitney took drugs and smoked weed a long time before she could even spell 'Bobby Brown.'"
Houston's longtime stylist, Ellin LaVar, says in the documentary,
"[Whitney and her two brothers] did drugs. It was the thing you do. You go out, you party, you drink, you do a little drugs. Everybody did it. And her brothers gave it to her. It was just something you do to have fun."
Houston's older brother, Michael Houston, confessed to Oprah Winfrey that he introduced the singer to cocaine, not knowing the damage it could do. He admitted it's a "demon" he's forced to live with every day.
Watch the video for more of The Sad Things We've Learned About Whitney After Her Death.
#Whitney #WhitneyHouston #BobbyBrown
Introduction to drugs | 0:20
Couldn't be herself | 1:24
Identity crisis | 2:15
Extorting Whitney | 2:57
Parents' disapproval | 4:05
Bobby's abuse | 5:08
Bobby's resentment | 6:00
Worse than anyone knew | 7:04
A broken heart | 7:52
Alleged lover | 8:47
Eddie Murphy's rejection | 9:43