The story behind "Reel 2 Real - I Like To Move It" with The Mad Stuntman | Muzikxpress 105
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The Mad Stuntman is an alias of Mark Quashie. Mark was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago. When he was 9 years old, he moved to New York in the USA, together with his mom. In the year 1994 Mark had a massive worldwide hit, together with producer Erick Morillo under the project name “Reel 2 Real”. Their track “I Like To Move It” made it into the Top 10 of charts all around the world. And even now, more than 25 years after the original release, the track is still being used in commercials, TV shows and movies. Who doesn't know the version that you can see in the movie "Madagascar"?
These days Mark is still touring as The Mad Stuntman, performing the hits from Reel 2 Real, but also his solo tracks. I recently sat down with Mark, to ask him about the story behind “I Like To Move It”, his future plans and more.
Enjoy and thanks for watching!
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