The Top 10 Best Games of 2019 | Direckt Gaming Game of the Year Awards
We run down our picks for the Top 10 Best Games of 2019 - a year full of incredible experiences from indie, double-A and triple-A studios - in the inaugural Direckt Gaming Game of the Year Awards list.
Let me know in the comments your Top 10 Best Games of 2019, and give me all your thoughts on my list too. What did I miss? What do you agree with? Let me know in the comments down below.
Thanks for spending 2019 with Direckt Gaming, and prepare for an even bigger year in 2020. Thanks for watching, until next time, peace.
#GOTY2019 #Top10BestGamesof2019 #GameoftheYear2019
#BestXboxGames2019 #BestPS4Games2019 #BestSwitchGames2019 #BestGamesof2019 #Top10List #DirecktGaming #SpawnRespawn
The Rise of Double-A Gaming: