The Top 10 Countries In Space Funding (Besides USA). What Do They Do?
Top Ten Countries In Space Funding (Other Than USA). What Do They Do?
Between SpaceX and NASA, it is easy to get lost in American Space Exploration.
NASA's budget is the largest of all Space Agencies in the world at $22 billion.
However, the next top ten countries in space funding spend a combined $24 billion on Space programs.
The counties are Canada, South Korea, The UK, Italy, India, Germany, Japan, France, Russia, and China.
So, we're going to briefly explore how these ten countries contribute to space exploration, starting with Canada at number 10.
Canada spends around $315 million on its space program, the Canadian Space Agency, or CSA.
Number 9, South Korea.
South Korea spends around $600 million on its Space Program, the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, or KARI.
But the most exciting thing to me coming out of South Korea has to be the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter or KPLO.
Number 8, the UK.
The UK spends around $900 million on Space Exploration between the United Kingdom Space Agency or UKSA and its contributions to the European Space Agency or ESA.
Number 7 in Italy, which spends around $1.1 billion between $666 million contributions to ESA and its $468 million in the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana or ASI.
Number 6, India.
India spends around $1.5 billion on its space program, the Indian Space Research Organisation or ISRO.
Number 5, Germany.
Germany spends around $2.1 billion in Space, with $981 million going to ESA funding, which is 20% of ESA's budget.
Number 4, Japan.
Japan spends $3 billion in total Space spending, including military space programs.
And of that, $1.7 billion goes to their civil space program, The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency or JAXA.
Number 3, France.
France is the centerpiece of Space Exploration in Europe, both literally and figuratively.
France spends around $3.1 Billion in funding in Space.
It is the most significant contributor to ESA at almost 27%.
Of that, $1.8 billion goes to the Centre national d'études spatiales or CNES.
And now, let's go over ESA considering that the UK, Italy, Germany, and France account for over 70% of its budget.
But let's quickly acknowledge ESA's remaining member states.
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.
ESA was formed in 1975 to coordinate the financial resources so that its members can work on programs far beyond the scope of any single European country.
But the ESA projects I'm most excited about are the two modules they are developing for the Lunar Gateway.
Number 2, Russia.
Russia spends $3.4 billion on its space program Roscosmos.
The Roscosmos project I'm excited about is the multi-purpose crew airlock module for the Lunar Gateway.
And now we go to the number one country in space funding besides the US, China.
China spends $5.8 billion in Space, between military space funding and its Space Program, the Chinese National Space Agency, or CNSA.
Ok, so that is the top ten countries besides the US in space funding.
And if you are a citizen of one of these countries or an ESA member state, pat yourself on the back because space exploration is your tax money at work. You are funding these achievements.
It's an expensive endeavor and requires cooperation from many countries around the world.
And displays humanity at its best.
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