The Top 10 Most Important Technologies in The Neat Future
The top ten most important technologies are:
Blockchain brought us bitcoin and is now being used to change many industries.
Artificial Intelligence is driving cars and beating humans at games it has just learned.
Virtual Reality is now bridging the gap between technology and the real world.
Reusable Rockets
Now that private companies are entering the space race, we are expected to see many new space travel innovations.
Robots are becoming faster, stronger, and smarter. As batteries become smaller we can expect to see robots walking around in the near future.
New Energy Sources
Solar is getting a make-over and hurricanes are soon to be harnessed.
Bio Tech
We can expect to see new bio tech solving many of our health problems.
Flying Technology
There is no denying that it is here, but where will it go? Many predict that this industry will be stopped due to noise pollution.
We may not be able to fill the air but we certainly can dig. Tunnels are expected to help with our congestion problems.
Our thumbs are incredibly inefficient. Voice is proving to be a much more viable tool. We also can expect to see new types of implants that connect us directly to technology.
Credited to Justin Palmer
#top10 #technology #stem
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM is important because it pervades every part of our lives. Science is everywhere in the world around us. Technology is continuously expanding into every aspect of our lives.
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