The Untold Truth Of Rudy Giuliani
Rudy Giuliani has always been a controversial figure. He has received credit for "cleaning up" New York City and leading the city through 9/11, but has also been criticized for a number of controversial stances and unhinged television appearances. Read on for some facts about this divisive figure.
Anyone who's ever caught an episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is likely very familiar with the "perp walk," when people who are suspected but not yet convicted of committing a crime are paraded in front of the media as they enter a courthouse. Per Reuters, the practice has been called "downright undemocratic" and has often been criticized.
As Reuters also explained in 2011, the "perp walk" gained prominence as a practice during Rudy Giuliani's time as United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York in the 1980s, when he was responsible for prosecuting high-profile criminal cases. Criminal law professor Laurie Levenson told the outlet that Giuliani made an "art form" out of parading defendants in front of the cameras.
Watch the video for more on The Untold Truth Of Rudy Giuliani!
#RudyGiuliani #NewYork
Perp walk pioneer | 0:18
Mob buster | 1:07
That cousin thing | 1:47
Shady love life | 2:20
Endless divorce | 3:18
A daughter for Clinton | 4:36
Rudy's many feudys | 5:23
Skits and skirts | 7:11
A Black Ops battle | 8:02
Ferret beef | 9:30
The Ukraine scandal | 10:45
Ignoring a subpoena | 12:00