The Weekly Stuff Podcast #124 – Jonathan’s Top 10 Bizarre Film School Stories
It’s an extra-special episode this week. As you probably know, I attend the University of Colorado Boulder, and as a film student there – in an excellent, outstanding film program, I should make clear – I have been exposed to some strange films. Some very strange films. Some films the content of which I cannot discuss in polite conversations. Some films I cannot honestly believe I even saw. And I’ve been entertaining Sean with stories of these films and experiences off the air for years now – so for the Thanksgiving holiday, we thought it appropriate to finally tell those stories on air. I have made a list of my Top 10 Favorite Bizarre Film School Stories, and when I saw ‘bizarre,’ I am probably underselling it. This list gets extreme – from stories of watching films depicting births and autopsies, all the way to a movie about sexual cannibalism. Yeah. We go there.
So a brief content warning is in order – this episode contains the usual bad language, in addition to a pretty overwhelming amount of discussion of graphic sexual and violent content. Don’t say you weren’t warned. And don’t blame me, either – I’m only the messenger. The horribly traumatized messenger.
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