The Witcher Timeline Explained | Full Order Of The Netflix TV Show
The Witcher Timeline Explained | Full Order Of The Netflix TV Show. We talk Yennefer, Geralt and Ciri's Timeline as well as the order that the events of the show happen in.
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Throughout this, we’re gonna be breaking down everything that you need to know about the timeline of The Witcher on Netflix. The events may leave you confused as some things that happen in episode 4 set up things in episode 1 and so on and yeah…it’s a lot of timey whimey wibbly-wobbly stuff.
The main thing that you need to know about the Witcher timeline is that the show actually possesses three distinctive timelines that all center around the season’s three main characters.
They are Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri.
The season initially seems to play out in chronological order with there being a reference to Ciri in Geralt’s timeline in the first episode, however, not everything is as it seems.
This is all prophetic and there’s actually a lot of things that are predicted in the season such as Ciri dreaming of Yennefer. We’ll get into all this later but we’ve laid out everything from beginning to end in order to make the most sense.
The timelines are deliberately put in place in order to confuse viewers and sort of drop mini-twists in when you begin to realise that things aren’t as they seem.
It’s an awesome way to layout the events and it sort of adds a mystique to all the proceedings of the season.
Geralt’s timeline is probably the main one as he is the only character that meets both Yennefer and Ciri however at some points they are all happening alongside one another.
In total they span across decades but with Yenn’s timeline being the one that happens first.
So yep, Yennefer is old, I’m talking like Prince Phillip old, I’m talking saying ‘My Wife’ in a Borat voice old.
Yennefer The Witcher Netflix timeline Explained
Yennefer’s Timeline Explained
Anyway we join her as a hunch back who tends a farm. She’s pretty much treated like how the Dursleys treat Harry Potter and nobody really likes her.
We learn in the season that Yenn is half-elf and that her father died during a genocide known as The Great Cleansing.
In Geralt’s timeline, they refer to this almost as a legend and therefore we know it happened a long time before we ever meet our Witcher for the first time.
We know that Yenn can’t really remember her father all that well so he probably died when she was very young meaning that she probably arrived at Aretuza 15 years after the Great Cleansing. We don’t know how long that Yennefer studied for but she ages very little between her arrival and ascension so we can probably guess that it was roughly between four to five years.
So yeah, all this is happening long before the birth of Ciri, up to at least 50 years before.
Yenn begins developing her powers and slowly becomes one of the most powerful mages in the land.
She is tied to the Sorcerors though and must perform tasks for them.
Her Time As A Mage
The Sorcerers are using their mages to control each kingdom, strategically placing them in order to rule the courts. She wants to go to Aedirn but this is refused by her bosses and thus she turns to drastic measures in order to ensure that she gets her own way.
During this she has her appearance fixed. As we know from The Witcher lore, all magic comes with a cost, so in order to receive beauty she has to give up her ability to bear children. The procedure ends...
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