The Worst Decisions Superman Made In The DCEU
Superman’s Most Epic Fails In The DCEU
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It’s fair to say that the fan response to the DCEU version of Superman was mixed at best. While many loved Henry Cavill’s committed performance to the man of steel, others were disturbed by the character’s darker tone and morally ambiguous choices.
Whether it was his use of lethal force, his wanton disregard for public safety or property or even his confrontational attitude towards other heroes, Zack Snyder’s take on the character had a much darker methodology than his lighter counterparts. Some of the decisions made with this version of the character were just as questionable. Certain scenes with him seemed like they just existed to create action sequences despite the fact that they made no sense. There were also dramatic scenes that were simply nonsensical. Then there’s the mustache situation which is embarrassing on a whole other level.
So let’s dive into the worst decisions the DCEU Superman ever made.