This 10 Minutes Will Make You Become Albralelie Fans! TSM_Albralelie SEASON 1 vs SEASON 4
#albralelie #apexlegends #apexdaily
This 10 Minutes Will Make You Become Albralelie Fans! TSM_Albralelie SEASON 1 vs SEASON 4
Song List : 1:40
TSM_Albralelie twitch :
TSM_Albralelie Youtube :
TSM_Albralelie is excellent in this game.TSM_Albralelie!
WHO is Albralelie ??
I'm Mac or Albralelie, you can call me either. It's my goal to help you guys become better at the game however i can, whether its helping learn grapple techniques/aim training advice etc, I'll go out of my way to help you improve your gameplay. I'm currently 19 years old and looking to make a name for myself in the Apex Legends community as the best pathfinder.
I mostly played CSGO competitively as an awper primarily but i also played in some Overwatch open leagues as a dps/tank main during season 2-3 where i managed to hold top 500 for the entirety of those seasons and as mercy 1 trick in season 1 my peak was 73 rating.
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