This Is What Animals Look Like Before Giving Birth
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The miracle of birth is one of the most amazing things about the human body. But do not think that this process is any less complicated in animals. Quite the opposite: often the smallest representatives of the fauna amaze scientists with their reproduction methods. In today's video, we will show you how animals from seahorses to pandas bear their babies.
00:00 - Welcome!
00:26 - Anaconda
01:47 - Guinea pig
02:39 - Sea Horses
03:54 - Sea lion
05:09 - Beluga whale
06:49 - Rhino
07:32 - Tapir
08:14 - Panda
09:22 - Gorilla
10:31 - Macaques
11:32 - Sloth
12:32 - Ferret
13:10 - Donkey
13:46 - Pregnant giraffe