This Will Instantly Make You Feel Better!
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you’re not alone if this whole coronavirus situation and life in isolation is making you feel that there's only negativity in the world right now. but instead of seeing just the sad, let's focus on good out there! here are some heartwarming quarantine stories for you to remember what a beautiful place this world can be despite the global pandemic.
check out my video on MOOD BOOSTING during this time of isolation and social distancing:
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do you want to help people in need during the pandemic? if we can, let's give a little contribution to charities working extra hard because of the COVID outbreak. david and i have donated to the big issue, helping the homeless, as they are amongst those hit the hardest by the pandemic. check out the big issue’s website if you wish to do the same:
i talk about:
- time to feel good !
- heartwarming news around the world !
- work out sessions on the balcony ?
- social distancing !
- mental and physical health !
- skyping and facetiming friends !
- how to boost your mood during a pandemic ?
- brands helping hospital staff !
- chic burberry face masks and hospital gowns ?
- donating for a good cause !
- helping the homeless !
- celebrities and concerts at home !
- n’sync vs. backstreet boys?
- elton john’s living room concert !
- couch choir !
- pollution going DOWN ?!
- bear hunting in new zealand !
- rainbow chasing in london ?
check us out on instagram !
@jennymustard -
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#goodnews #quarantine #mentalhealth