Tibia [where to profit ED/MS] - MY TOP 5 PROFIT PLACES FOR SOLO 150 MAGES (2019)[project profit]
1) Number one:
Probably this is the place I should have featured in my first video on where to profit. Souleaters in zao. Alothugh there are not only souleaters but I'll go back to this later. First things first. To get there you need access to zao teleports muggy plains. This is the hardest part. In order to have access to these teleports you need to finish children of the revolution quest along with mission one and mission two of Wote quest. When you have done this I can finally present you this lovely spawn. WHen you leave the camp, just go left until you see a stone shelf, here you're gonna need a levitate spell. That's it, we're here. I mentioned there are more than just souleaters there. It somehow reminds me of yalahar alchemist quarter. Mutated rats, Mutated tigers, mutated bats and death blobs. So it's also a great place for bestiary. I suggest equiping full physical mitigation items. As for killing creatures. Get yourself some nice pack of greatfireballs, they're weak to fire damage. Let's talk about loot. Souleaters drop a lot of gold in a platinum form, that's the big adventage of that place.
2) Number two:
Because of this spawn I've marked this video for players aroudn 150 lvl. Behemots cave in forbidden lands. To get there you need ape city quest mission 8.
When getting there don't forget about the shortcut. You can swim up to mountain pass. THen just travel to Hairycles and ask him about transport. Behemots are full physical creatures and they hit hard. Bring a phys protection items here and use ice spells since they're weak to that element. Wy have 2 floors full of behemots here. Around level 200 they were spawing faster then I was killing them. Just a rule of thumb, don't get more than 3 mobs on you, otherwise you may have to use e-ring here. When you finaly kill em use obisdian knife and collect behemot fangs.
3) Number three:
Correct me if im wrong but I guess not many of you know about that place, a bugs cave in Krailos. You'll find 3 different creatures there, wailling widows, brimstone bugs and giant spiders. To get there just use the ship in venore and head east. There are 2 floors but we're mostly interested in -2. Bring you dwarven ring just in case 'cause these mobs can make you drunk and it's easy to get trapped since there is not that many place to run. I'd suggest going in a circle and stopping in 5 spots. Depending on your level you can lure more or less monsters with you. Use gfbs here. As for the loot. We have 2 main sources of money: first one - obviously, spider silks and second one magic sulphur. on level 170 after 30min hunt I've came back with a 45k of profit.
4)Number four:
Another Zao location. This time more mutated monsters. There is a whole cave with mutated bats and mutated tigers. Starting from the teleport in muggy plains head east. It's located near the children of the revolution temple. Entrance is right after the bridge. This is one of these spawns that you can enter on lower level, as a mage I think you may come here even on level 80. Well, It's one of that chill spawns where you can just talk to your friends and throw runes at the same time without paying to much attention. Our main source of money here is sabretooth. There are mainly mutated tiger and mutated bats. But not in the whole cave. In the sout-west you will find lizards so I suggest not going there. Regarding the route here I think this is a good way of running here. Depending on your level you may adjust it. On level 80 ish you can try only this small circual part. Try to eperiment and see what's best for you. Also let me know in the comments, I'm curiouse how it looks hunting here before level 100.
5) Number five:
Last spot in this compilation.
Let me present you a Liberty Bay cults. There are 4 music sheets, every one with different rariry. To be able to go through you need read all of them. So when you're done, lets continue. This spot comared to Yalahar cults are far more suppirior, not only because of spawn size but I'll go back to that later. We have 2 big floors here and not only cults. Starting from the first floor I suggest going like that, clear rooms one by one. WHen you're done head down. This is where its getting more interesting. There are many more mobs down here. 3 types of cults, Witches, monks, bonelords and even vampire. So bringing some gfbs is a good idea, 'cause witches resist energy damage. Regarding the route down here. I was clearing right side and then left side, but It's totaly up to you, do whatever you'd like. YOu may even skip some rooms if you want. Okay, route checked, runes, checked. You're gonna loot a lot of rope belts here. From cults and also monks. But additionaly to rope belts we have very small chance to drop a stuffed toad, from the witches. This is a very rare drop and it costs around 2-3kk. So beside usuall rope elts you got chance to loot a realy valuable item.
I will see you next time, happy hunting and good luck with loot.