Today Paper : NTS Paper : Junior National Saving Officer paper held today 01-03-2020: NTS
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Today’s Junior National saving officers nts.
1. The highest military award of Pakistan:
A. Sitara-e-Jurat
B. Nishan-e-Haider.
C. Nishan-e-Pakistan
D. None of these
2. First Census was held in Pakistan in the year.
A. 1950
B: 1951
C. 1952
D. 1953
3. The outermost range of Himalaya is called.
A. Kali
B. Shiwalik.
C. Dehradun
D. Kumaon
4. Thal dessert is between in which rivers:
Indus and Jehlum (Bakar District)
4. Medina was a centre of
Learning and Knowledge
5. She is afraid of ..
6. Which barrage is cennect with balochistan?
Sukkur barrage canals
7. Khyber pass connected pakistan which country?
8. Qaid e milat is title of which politician?
Liaqat ali khan
9. Old name of khyberpakhtun khawa?
10. How many letters in first kalma?
11. Which kalma will read ofter wuzu?
Kalima Shahadt
12. Who is founder of two nation thoery?
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
13. Who is first president of constitution assembly of pakistan?
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
14. Ayub khan removed which politician in 1958? Iskandr Mirza
15. The Message or Statement or Action of prophet is a
16. Second heighest peak of word located in which mountains:
K2 Karakoram Range
17. If a diameter of circle is 5cm the what is radius of cirle?
18. If radious of circle is 5 cm then what is diameter of cirle? 10
19. 61,74,76, 80, 82 averge?
(61+74+76+80+82)/5 = 373/5 = 74.6
20. 48,26 and 38 average?
21. 4 books bought in 320 then average?
22. If one boy read the 100 pages in 5 days then tell the how many read the papers in one day?
100/5 = 20 pages
23. 0.15y = 15 then y= ?
0.15y= 15 = y = 15/0.15 = 1500/15 = 100
24. What does 'delete' function in MS office?
25. Short cut key for Paste in MS Word?
Ctrl + V
26. If you have a spell error then which colour is mention?
27. Which of the following the highest rain fall in pakistan?
28. Which place of pakistan called switzerland of Pakistan?
Swat Valley
29. Liaqat ali khan joined muslim league in
30. Press antonyms:
31. Summit antonyms: چوٹی
32. Create synonyms:
Built, generate
33. The First complete madani surah:
Surah Baqara
34. Row and column
35. Mediocre antonyms:
36. In Namaz Darood shareef is:
37. Lovely synonym
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