Today's Top 10! | Tripura Exclusive News Updates | PB24News | 05.08.2020
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05:19 Petition rejected for 10323 teachers by Supreme Court
29:27 Doctors sat in protest against suspension of Dr. Uttam Kumar Das
02:25 CITU staged protest in Agartala
03:24 Father lost all his money one day before his daughter’s marriage
04:50 CPIM and SUCI celebrated the 132th birthday of Mujaffar Ahmed
06:02 Mysterious death of a newly married wife in Churaibari, Tripura
07:16 Suicide of a man in Tripura because of domestic violence
07:39 Bhoomi Puja and Inauguration of Ram Mandir in presence of PM Narenda Modi
08:09 VHP organized Shila Puja in Agartala, Tripura
08:59 Family of the TSR rifleman who died a few days back, demands further investigation in the mysterious death of the Jawan.
10:18 Sabroom Mandal Committee member Thoingya Mog wants to quit Bjp
11:31 Problems regarding waterlogging in Sonamura
12:28 Traffic problems in Bishalgar
12:50 Everyone excited for Nayan Chakraborty of Gokulnagar for his spledid performance amid struggle
14:08 Paddy farmers facing losses because of Lockdown
15:14 VHP organized plantation programme in Shantirbajar
15:59 Around 11 Marijuana nursery destroyed in Sonamura
17:06 Shantibajar facing transportation problems
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