TODAY'S TOP HEADLINES: आज की 10 सबसे बड़ी खबरें || NEDRICK TOP 10
Let's know the today's top headlines, and about the current situation of world. In few minutes we will breif you the headlines that remain for the whole day in detail
1 - Reversal of #IndianArmy on #borderdispute
2 - India signs 100 million #coronavaccine with Russia
3 - Confirmation of ISIS being active in 5 states of India
4 - Former #Maharashtra CM furious with ban on onion exports
5 - #TejashwiYadav attacked #NitishKumar, 17 questions asked
6 - #UrmilaMatondkar besieges #KanganaRanaut
7 - Charge sheet of 10 thousand pages filed in #Delhiriots case
8 - #RahulGandhi explained the meaning of chronology, surrounds PM
9 - Big revelation in America about Corona
10 - #RashmiDesai revealed about #DishaSaliandeath
information related to the current news, current affairs, daily hunt, general knowledge and recent news about all over the world, political news, narendra modi news, आज के मुख्य समाचार,
16september 2020,
आज के ताजा समाचार, हिंदुस्तान न्यूज़, उत्तर प्रदेश समाचार, उत्तर प्रदेश न्यूज़, बिहार समाचार, आज 16 september 2020 के मुख्य समाचार, 16 september 2020 आज की खबरें, देश के मुख्य समाचार, आज की ताजा खबरें,
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