TONE MATCHED! Top 25 Heavy Metal Guitar Sounds
Using Bias FX and Bias Amp, I matched the guitar tones of 25 classic heavy metal albums. From best to greatest, my guitar tone countdown includes Metallica, Pantera, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Judas Priest among others.
To download any of the 25 presets I use in this video, type in Bias FX's search box "DMO" plus the name of the album. For example:
. "DMO Ride the Lightning" for Metallica's "Ride the Lightning" preset
. "DMO No More Tears" for Ozzy Osbourne's "No More Tears" preset
. "DMO Vulgar Display of Power" for Pantera's "Vulgar Display of Power" preset
. "DMO Peace Sells" for Megadeth's "Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?" preset
I created all my presets with Bias FX 2 and Bias Amp 2.
IMPORTANT: You're more than welcome to use my presets for your cover videos, "What if" creations, etc. All I ask is to give me credit in your video (or video description). It took me a huge amount of effort to create these presets, so credit would be appreciated.
My presets are optimized for live playing. If you use them for recording, I recommend the following:
. Use the single path (instead of the dual path, which has a slight delay for a stereo sound)
. Reduce the distortion levels
. Raise the bass levels
. Record your guitars four times (see my Four Guitars video for further explanation about quad recording)
Many of the presets in this video have their own dedicated video explaining how to use them. Check out my "Classic Heavy Metal Tones" playlist.
I play the following guitars in this video:
. B.C. Rich NJ Jr. V - EMG 81 & 85 Pickups & Original Floyd Rose Tremolo (my number one guitar!)
. Gibson Tribal Explorer - Gibson Pickups (500T & 496R) & Kahler 2215 Tremolo
. B.C. Rich Mockingbird - DiMarzio Pickups (Super Distortion & PAF) & Kahler 2300 Tremolo
. Hamer Vector - Hamer Pickup & Kahler 2300 Tremolo
. B.C. Rich Bich - DiMarzio Pickups (Super Distortion & PAF) & Kahler 2300 Tremolo
. Hamer Phantom - Hamer Pickups & Kahler 2300 Tremolo
. B.C. Rich Warlock (1984) - DiMarzio Pickups (Super Distortion & PAF) & Kahler 2300 Tremolo
. B.C. Rich Warlock (1987) - DiMarzio Pickups (Super Distortion & PAF) & Floyd Rose/B.C. Rich Tremolo
. Dean Razorback - Floyd Rose Special Tremolo, Seymour Duncan Pickup (SH-13 Dimebucker) & Dean DMT Pickup
. B.C. Rich Wartribe - EMG 81 & 85 Pickups & Kahler Hybrid Tremolo
I recorded all videos using Garageband and Reaper with an iMac and Line 6's UX1 audio interface.
If you like my guitar playing, check out my channel for many other videos.