Top 10 Amazing Facts About Vietnam || introducing country.
Vietnam official name is sociologist Republic of Vietnam. Vietnam is in South East Asian country. it is 33 1699 km2 and worlds 14 most populous country. hanoi is the capital of Vietnam and ho chi minh city is the largest city.
buddhesh is the main religion and language is Vietnamese. the currency name is dong. the country is the fastest developing country in the world. about 14 types of ingredients are produced. Vietnam is well known as coffee exporter black paper cashew nuts. tourism is also very important element of economy .now a days tourist contributing 7.5% total GDP.
the traditional Vietnamese cuisine is world's healthiest cuisine. fish ,sauce, shrimp paste, soy sauce, rice ,fresh herbs ,fruits and vegetables are common ingredients. rice drinks and snake wine are very popular and demanding in this country. ho chi minh is the founder of modern Vietnam. the s shaped country is on of the most beautiful and amazing country in the