Top 10 amazing facts that you didn't know
Hello friends my name is gurlal Singh from Punjab welcome back in my video in this video I introduce top 10 amazing facts of earth and top 10 amazing facts that you didn't know facts are as:
In l fact I introduce how much water Left for drink
In II fact l introduce how many hunder come on Earth
In 3 fact is that how many people birth in a day
In 4 fact I introduce that sun is so big
In 5 fact I introduce that sun is so far from Earth
In 6 fact I introduce that a men make a world record
In 7 fact I introduce that a day is 26 hours in ancient history
In 8 fact I introduce that how many earthquake come on Earth and how many earthquake dangerous
In 9 fact I introduce that , what happen when a human enter in space without spacesuit
In 10 fact I introduce that amount of gold in our earth